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Mufti Shafique Jakhura

Al Mabroor Projects

Chairman SCC

Mufti Jakhura serves in the Fatwa Department at the Darul Ihsan Humaintarian Centre in Durban preparing and issuing Islamic juristic rulings. He has established and heads the Centre for Islamic Economics and Finance SA (CIEFSA) - a non-profit organisation dedicated to increasing awareness and providing education in the fields of Islamic economics and finance, structuring Shariah-compliant transactions and providing Shariah-compliant commercial solutions at various levels.


In 2002, he completed with distinction, the Aalimiyah Course at Madrasah Taleemuddeen in Durban, equaivalent to a Masters. In 2005, he completed a three-year specialisation course in in Islamic Jurisprudence (Fiqh and Fatwa) from Jamia Darul Uloom Karachi (Equivalent to PhD), under the guidance of Mufti Taqi Usmani, which culminated in the submission of a thesis on the topic of Shirkat and Mudharabat.

He is a Certified Shariah Accountant and Auditor certified by the Accounting and Auditing Organisation for Islamic Financial Institutions (AAOIFI) in Bahrain. He has an Advanced Diploma in Islamic Banking and Finance from the Karachi-based Centre for Islamic Economics. He serves on the Shariah Supervisory Board of a number of Islamic Financial Institutions.

Maulana Bilal Jakhura

Al Mabroor Projects

Member SCC

Bilal Jakhura is the Director of the Centre of Islamic Economics and Finance South Africa ( He is an AAOFI Certified Islamic Professional Accountant, Shariah Auditor and Advisor from Bahrain (CSAA). Furthermore, he serves as a Lecturer in Hadith (Saheeh Muslim) and Islamic Commercial Law (Hidaaya) at Madrasa Hamidiyya and is a distinguished international speaker at Islamic Finance Conferences.


He has been involved in various Islamic Financial and Commercial advisory and consulting assignments with Albaraka Bank (South Africa), National Treasury’s Committee for the introduction of legislation to accommodate Islamic financial instruments in South Africa, Al Bogari Holdings (Dubai) and the establishment of an Islamic Banking Window for Tropical Bank. Further, he is also a serving member of the Exco member of Muslims for Humanity and Trustee of Muslims for Humanity Waqf focusing on upliftment, poverty alleviation and education for all South Africans.


He was a Shariah Board member of Amana Wealth Group (Sri Lanka) previously and is currently a serving Shariah Board member of Barak Ibdar Trade Finance Fund (Seychelles) and Visio BCI Shariah Fund.

Sheikh Mogammad Carr

Al Mabroor Projects

Member SCC

Moulana Mogammad Carr serves in the Fatwa Department at the Muslim Judicial Council in Cape Town preparing and issuing Islamic juristic rulings. Mogammad works both as a teacher at Islamic Institutions of higher learning and serves as the co -imam at the Awwal Mousque in Cape Town. 

He completed his memorization of the Quran at Dar al-Ulum Zakariyyah in September 1997 and received an Alimiyya Degree in 2006 from DUAI (Darul Ulum al-Arabiyyah al-Islamiyyah) equivalent to a Masters. His literary works includes translations, a work on interest (riba) titled “Towards a better understanding of Riba” and a work on zakat titled “Zakat from principles to practice. His latest work titled “Islamic Contract Law Conceptualization and Contemporary Application”  was published last year in Arabic by Daral Turath Publications. 

He serves on the Shariah Supervisory Board of a number of Islamic Financial Institutions.

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